12/4/2022 -
It was a chilly Sunday morning in Southeastern Nebraska. The clouds above were wispy and everything was calm.
I was taking my Uncle Chris out duck hunting; who hadn’t been in over 30 years and a friend, Chandler, who hadn’t been this season.
We got to our spot early, got the decoys set up and were all settled into the blind. I checked the time and realized it was thirty minutes before sunrise, meaning we could shoot. I also realized that I had forgotten my duck calls in the truck. I hustled my way to get the calls and on the way back I noticed a group of ducks flying by the spread. Afraid that I spooked them, I took a knee and gave them a couple quacks. The ducks turned around and came straight for my Uncle and Chandler.
Shots rang throughout the morning air. They dropped one of the ducks. Uncle Chris made an attempt to get the duck but the water got too deep. We continued our hunt with hopes the duck would drift ashore.

We hunted into the afternoon, adding a hen spoonbill to our take home bag. With no other birds flying we decided to go get a kayak to recover the downed bird that was stuck in the lake.

Upon returning to the lake I noticed there was a goose near the duck that was downed. I decided to take my shotgun with me on the kayak with hopes to get a shot on the goose. As I got closer to the goose it was apparent that it was injured and could not fly. I positioned myself in the kayak and shot the goose.
Not going to lie it was a tad bit sketchy, with the kayak shaking more and more each shot but it was one of the coolest moments of my life! That was my first goose and the way it happened was sweet! After getting the goose I grabbed the downed duck, which turned out to be a Drake Mallard with four curly tails.
This hunt is one I will never forget and one with multiple firsts. First time calling in ducks, first goose and first time hunting with a kayak. I’m very thankful and excited for the next adventure!
Big Gumdrop Out ✌🏽

Ps those duck nachos were 🔥🔥