This past Saturday, 15 amazing volunteers along with myself went to two local parks to pick up any trash or firework remanence we found. I am very thankful for the people that came out and for those who shared the word. We removed heaps of fishing line, plastic bags, cardboard discs, broken glasses, food packages, firework debris and more.
By getting outside and cleaning this litter we made a big impact on these ecosystems and the life that exists within them. We got rid of trash that presents dangers to wildlife and could've caused mortality if it was not removed.
Not only did we help the environment but we helped ourselves. Getting outside, breathing fresh air and being in the arms of nature is a spiritual experience. It is something that calls you to be mindful of your surroundings and the effect you have on things around you. Take some time this week to get outside. Go on a walk or take a bike ride. Whatever you may do, I encourage you to be mindful of the space you occupy and if you see some trash on the ground do the right thing by throwing it in the garbage.
We are looking for Volunteers for Outdoor Education Field Trips!!! Interested?!? Check out the picture below or click on the "My Links" tab.